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How To Make Beef Tallow

Today, I’m taking you on a sizzlelicious adventure into the world of beef tallow. Yep, you heard it right, we’re diving into the glorious realm of rendered beef fat. So, grab your aprons, sharpen your knives, and let’s get cooking!

how to make beef tallow

What is Beef Tallow, Anyway?

First things first, let’s talk beef tallow basics. Beef tallow is the pure, creamy gold you get when you render down beef fat. It’s like nature’s secret sauce for cooking. Picture this: a juicy steak sizzling in a hot pan, surrounded by the comforting aroma of beefy goodness. That’s the magic of tallow, my friends!

How to Make Beef Tallow: A Sizzlelicious Journey

Alright, folks, it’s time to roll up those sleeves and get your hands greasy. Making beef tallow at home is easier than you might think, and it’s a fantastic way to utilize every part of that beefy goodness. Here’s my step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Get Your Hands on Some Fat

You’ll need some beef fat, of course! You can usually score this from your local butcher or save up trimmings from various cuts of beef. You want fat with a minimal amount of meat attached.

Step 2: Prep and Chop

Cut that fat into small pieces. The smaller, the better. It helps the fat render faster and more evenly.

Step 3: Simmer Time

Start melting your fat over low heat in a heavy-bottomed pan or a crockpot. You want to go low and slow so the fat has time to release all its liquid gold gently.

Step 4: Strain the Magic

Once your fat has completely melted and turned into a clear, golden liquid, strain it through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a clean container. This will filter out leftover bits, leaving you with pure tallow goodness.

Step 5: Cool and Store

Let your tallow cool down to room temperature, and then pop it in the fridge. It’ll solidify into a creamy, ivory masterpiece. Store it in an airtight container, and it’ll last for months!

how do you make beef tallow

What Can You Do With Tallow?

Now that we’re on the same sizzle page about what tallow is let’s dive into the fun part – what the heck can you do with it? Brace yourself because tallow is not just a one-trick pony!

  1. Perfect for Frying: Tallow is the OG frying oil. It’s got a high smoke point, which means you can fry up some crispy chicken, French fries, or even donuts without worrying about that nasty burnt taste.
  2. Baking Bonanza: Swap out your boring old butter for tallow in your baking adventures. It adds a delightful richness to your cookies, pies, and pastries, making your taste buds dance.
  3. Popcorn Power: Want to take your movie night popcorn to the next level? Pop it in tallow, and you’ll never go back to plain old butter again. Trust me on this one!
  4. Beef Up Your Veggies: Roast your veggies in tallow, and you’ll wonder why you ever bothered with plain olive oil. The savory flavor infusion is next level.
  5. Lotion Love: Yep, you read that right. Tallow can even be used to make a homemade moisturizing lotion. It’s like a spa day for your skin.

How to Store

Okay, now you’ve got this jar of liquid gold, and you’re wondering, “What do I do with it now?” Well, here’s the deal: tallow is resilient, but you want to treat it right.

Store your tallow in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight. You don’t want it to go rancid; keeping it cool will help it last longer.

And hey, if you’ve got too much tallow on your hands (which is a good problem), you can always share the love with your friends and family. It’s a fantastic homemade gift for fellow foodies!

how do you make tallow

And there you have it, my friends, the lowdown on how to make beef tallow and all the glorious things you can do with it. It’s like having a secret weapon in your kitchen arsenal, adding that extra punch of flavor to your dishes.

So, whether you’re frying up a batch of mouthwatering fried chicken or just experimenting with new kitchen flavors, beef tallow is your sizzlelicious sidekick. Happy cooking, and may your culinary adventures be filled with flavor-packed, beefy goodness!

Thanks a million for joining me on this savory journey. Until next time, stay sizzlelicious, my food-loving friends!

How To Make Beef Tallow

Learn how to make beef tallow at home - a versatile and flavorful ingredient for cooking and skincare. Easy steps and expert tips included!

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 4 hours


  • 2 pounds of beef fat preferably suet
  • Water


Prepping the Beef Fat

  1. Select Quality Fat: Start by sourcing high-quality beef fat, preferably suet. It should be clean and free from any meat or connective tissue.
  2. Trim and Chop: Place the beef fat on a clean cutting board. Using a sharp knife, trim away any remaining meat or undesirable bits. Cut the fat into small, uniform pieces, roughly 1-inch cubes. The smaller the pieces, the quicker they'll render.

Rendering the Tallow

  1. Slow Cooker Method (Recommended):
  2. If you're using a slow cooker, place the chopped fat into the slow cooker.
  3. Set the slow cooker to its lowest setting and cover with a lid.
  4. Let the fat melt and render for 4-6 hours, stirring occasionally.
  5. Skip to step 5 after rendering is complete.
  6. Stovetop Method:
  7. If you prefer the stovetop method, place the chopped fat in a heavy-bottomed pan.
  8. Add enough water to cover the bottom of the pan to prevent scorching.
  9. Over low heat, slowly melt the fat. Stir occasionally.
  10. This process will take about 4-6 hours. Keep a close eye on it to prevent burning.

Straining and Storing

  1. Strain the Liquid Gold:
  2. Once the fat has completely melted and turned into a clear, golden liquid, it's time to strain it.
  3. Place a fine-mesh sieve or a piece of cheesecloth over a clean container.
  4. Carefully pour the liquid fat through the sieve or cheesecloth to strain out any leftover bits and impurities.
  5. Cool and Solidify:
  6. Allow the strained tallow to cool to room temperature. It will gradually solidify into a creamy, ivory consistency.
  7. Storage:
  8. Transfer the cooled beef tallow into an airtight container. Ensure there is no moisture in the container, as moisture can cause the tallow to spoil.
  9. Store the container in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.
  10. Your homemade beef tallow can last for several months when stored properly.

Recipe Notes

Tips and Tricks:

  • You can perform a second rendering for a purer, whiter tallow by melting the already-rendered tallow and straining it again.

  • Experiment with different beef fats to discover unique flavor profiles. Grass-fed beef fat may have a distinct flavor compared to conventionally raised beef.

  • Don't rush the rendering process; low and slow is the key to the best-tasting tallow.

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